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Beam Park Station Update

Margaret Mullane Labour MP for Dagenham and Rainham together with Beam Park councillors, Matt Stanton and Trevor Mckeever, met the London Deputy Mayor for Transport, Seb Dance, on 6 September to maintain the pressure for the delivery of the station and to check on progress. The revised business case to establish financial viability for the station is expected to be completed in November by the GLA with input from c2c and Network Rail.


The viability test imposed by the Dept for Transport under the last Government is that fares generated by the new station must cover any additional operational costs for three years.


Margaret commented “I have been told that this viability condition has not been imposed when other new stations have been commissioned. So, I have written to the Secretary of State for Transport, Louise Haigh MP, to press the case for the station and to question why this viability test is being imposed for the Beam Park project.

I also pointed out the promise made to Beam Park residents on purchasing their homes and that the station will deliver significant regeneration outcomes for local area, with new homes, business investment and new jobs.”


Further to this, Margaret has contacted c2c to arrange an urgent meeting to ensure that they and Network Rail continue to fully cooperate in producing  the business case.


 Margaret went on to say ”I have given a clear commitment to do everything in my power to get Beam Park station delivered and will continue to update residents all the way through to the opening of the station.”


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