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Economic Cost of NHS Waiting Lists

Margaret Mullane, Labour PPC for Dagenham and Rainham, has highlighted recent research by the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) on the cost to the economy of lengthy hospital waiting lists.

Margaret said “Last month it was announced that hospital waiting lists across the nation stand at over 7.6 million. This is the second highest ever in NHS history. One of the Prime Minister’s pledges was to reduce NHS waiting lists, in fact since he made that promise the number of people waiting for treatments has increased.

As well as the pain, discomfort and reduced mobility that comes from people having to wait for hospital procedures and treatments, there is a real cost to Britain’s economy from this Tory Government’s failure. IPPR has calculated that this costs the economy £18 billion in lost production over 5 years. This comes from people in employment who are unable to work due to their condition.”

Margaret went on to say “This problem is affecting us here in Dagenham and Rainham. In September 2023 there were 63,076 people on waiting lists across the Barking, Havering, Redbridge NHS University Trust area.

It’s not good enough for the Prime Minister to put up lame excuses about strikes by NHS doctors causing the problem. He should be sitting round the table negotiating and resolving the issues.”


david parry
david parry
Mar 12, 2024

Yes. We do need to go back to Square One..1066 and all that. Get offa our land.. We struggle to buy and rent on just 5% of the land that was once all ours!!


Linda Truluck
Linda Truluck
Feb 05, 2024

You are so right Margaret.

Bring back the Labour government !!

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