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Latest unemployment numbers in Dagenham and Rainham

Margaret Mullane, Dagenham and Rainham MP, pointed to the latest local unemployment numbers to show the scale of the task facing the new Labour Government.


The official figures released by the Office of National Statistics show that in July 2024:

  • There were 5,500 people unemployed and in receipt of benefits in Dagenham and Rainham, which was 7.2% of the population aged 16-64. The equivalent UK rate was 3.9%.

  • 765 were people aged 18-24.


Over the past year the number has risen by 1,125 in Dagenham and Rainham.


Margaret commented “The level of local unemployment is an indictment of the disastrous economic policies of the Tory Government over the 14 years they were in power. From June to July this year the number of local people out of work had jumped by 670.

It falls to the incoming Labour Government to put right the damage done to create sustainable jobs and thriving businesses to bring back hope and security for families. I will be doing all I can to boost the local economy to turn around the mess left by the Tories and help relieve the pressures on struggling households in Dagenham and Rainham.”



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