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St Helen's Court Repairs

Margaret Mullane’s local Labour action team members met with residents of St Helens Court Rainham about their concerns on repair issues around the estate. The items raised with Sue Watson and Fay Hough were:


  • Damage to the garages serving the area caused by blocked rain water guttering and downpipes. The overflowing water has damaged the doors to the garages.

  • The clothes drying area has 4 rotary drying lines for the 56 flats, but the area and lines are in a poor state of repair and the fencing around the site is in a bad condition.

  • There is fly tipping on the car park area and the drain in the access road is damaged and blocked causing rain water overflows


Margaret Mullane, Labour PPC for Dagenham & Rainham said “We have reported these repair issues to Havering Council on behalf of the residents of St Helen’s Court and asked that the Council inspect these defects and make arrangements for the necessary repairs to be actioned.”


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