Residents of Stirling Close Rainham had been in touch with Margaret Mullane, Labour PPC for Dagenham and Rainham, to ask her to bring pressure on the Council to deal with a number of repair issues that were blighting the area.
Margaret commented “It took a little while but I am really pleased to say a Housing Estates Officer recently visited Stirling Close and carried out an inspection of the area. The notice board which had seen better days and was looking a mess is being removed, as it’s no longer needed as notices are displayed inside the buildings and are on the Council’s website. The door to the refuse bin room has now been repaired and the Council is looking into installing a dropped kerb to ease access for disabled people and for parents with prams and buggies”.
Margaret added “I have also been told that the damaged door signage has been passed to the Repairs Team to investigate. I want to thank local residents for bringing these issues to my attention. It’s so important to take pride in your neighbourhood.”