Margaret Mullane MP convened a meeting on Monday 20 January in Westminster for MPs whose constituencies have landfills that are causing problems for local communities.
This move was in response to the ongoing issue of underground fires at Launders Lane and to put together a national approach to dealing with the health risks that result from unregulated landfills. The Members of Parliament agreed with Margaret to coordinate their work and jointly open up discussions with the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) to plan a route forward on problem landfill sites.
Margaret Mullane MP said: “Rainham residents have suffered health problems and distress for far too long from the fires at Arnolds Field Launders Lane. I know that Havering Council is doing what it can and I know that the current landowner is looking to come forward with a planning application for Arnolds Field.
I have been working with other stakeholders for a long time on Launders Lane and believe that it’s time to raise this on a national level to win support.
I want to explore if there are any other ways we can get action taken to stop the fires and stop the harm to local residents.
So, together with fellow MPs I will be taking the issue to DEFRA because this is a national problem that has been ignored for many years.”
