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Upminster Road South Rainham- clearing dumped rubbish

Margaret Mullane’s team have been active in Rainham identifying and reporting unsightly rubbish dumped at two locations in Upminster Road South. Fay Hough and Sue Watson spotted the rubbish and reported this to Havering Council’s Neighbourhoods Department. A response was received on 8 May from Havering to say that the cleansing team will be clearing the rubbish.


Margaret Mullane, Labour PPC Dagenham and Rainham said “Dumping rubbish and litter like this is irresponsible and if not dealt with quickly, it will attract vermin. Fay and Sue are doing a great job spotting these issues, getting them reported and attended to. I also thank Havering Council for quickly responding.


I believe pride in our area is so important and keeping our streets and town centres clean and tidy is a vital part of nurturing that pride.”


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